About Us

Hello, I’m Julia, and I have a delightful addiction to knitting! My fondness😊 for this craft traces back to my childhood, where the magic of knitting was passed down through generations. My grandmother crafted marvelous socks and scarves, while my mother skillfully knitted bespoke skirts, jackets, and dresses.

About MichiAda

As a young girl, I was captivated by my mother’s artistry, endlessly curious about how she had mastered the craft of creating such exquisite fabrics. Watching her transform simple yarn into intricate garments was nothing short of magical, and I found myself in awe of the hands that could breathe life into mere threads.

As I grew older, my life took me in different directions. I pursued a master’s degree in international relations, and for a time, my passion for knitting was relegated to the background. Yet, this passion was never truly forgotten. It lay dormant, waiting for the right moment to resurface.

That moment came with the birth of my daughter. Motherhood became the spark that reignited my love for knitting. In the quiet moments between caring for my child and navigating the complexities of adult life, I rediscovered the joy of creating with my hands. The rhythmic motion of knitting, the soft touch of yarn, and the satisfaction of seeing a piece come together stitch by stitch brought me a profound sense of fulfillment and peace.

Knitting became more than a hobby; it was a connection to my past, a tribute to my mother, and a way to express my creativity. Each garment I crafted was a labor of love, imbued with the same sense of wonder I felt as a child.

As my unique pieces began attracting more and more orders, I took the leap and opened my own small business. The support and appreciation from each client have been overwhelming, and I am deeply grateful to everyone who recognizes the hard work and uniqueness behind every creation.

What started as a cherished hobby has now blossomed into my full-time job—fulfilling every dream I ever had.This journey has been a dream come true, and I am thankful for every opportunity to share my craft with the world.❤️

Each meticulously knitted piece is crafted to order, ensuring a bespoke and exclusive experience for every client. Our commitment to limited production guarantees that each creation is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, allowing our customers to indulge in something truly unique.