Terms & Conditions


 Terms of Use Accessing and using the website www.michiada.com (the “Website”) grants the status of User to the Website visitor and implies the complete acceptance without reservations by the User of these terms of use. In case of non-acceptance, we kindly request that you do not use the Website. The Website is owned by Michiada, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Spain and with tax identification number ESZ0301574A.

Intellectual and Industrial Property The Website and its contents, including designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, as well as software, trade names, trademarks, works, illustrations, photographs, or industrial designs, and any other elements susceptible to industrial and commercial use, (i) are the property and ownership of Michiada or third parties who have duly authorized their inclusion on the Website and (ii) are protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that Michiada grants a license to the User or waives, transfers, totally or partially assigns such rights, nor confers any right or expectation of right, especially regarding alteration, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, or public communication of such contents without the prior express written authorization of  Michiada or the corresponding owners.

The User may only use the Website and its contents for personal and private use. Any other use is prohibited and requires the User to obtain prior express written authorization from Michiada. It is expressly prohibited to use framing techniques, meta tags, or any other “hidden text” using the name or brand of Michiada without the prior written authorization of Michiada.

User Obligations

In general, Users must always act in accordance with the law, good customs, and the requirements of good faith, using due diligence and refraining from using the Website in any way that may prevent, damage, or deteriorate the normal functioning of the Website, the assets, or rights of Michiada, its suppliers, other users, or in general, any third party.

Specifically, and without implying any restriction to the above, during the use of the Website, the User is obliged to: a) Provide truthful information about the data requested in the registration or order placement form and keep it updated. b) Not introduce, store, or disseminate on or from the Website any information or material that is defamatory, injurious, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence, discriminates based on race, sex, ideology, religion, or in any way violates morals, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy, or the image of third parties, and, in general, current regulations. c) Not introduce, store, or disseminate through the Website any program, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical device that is capable of causing damage to the Website, any of its services, or any equipment, systems, or networks of Michiada, any other user, Michiada’s suppliers, or in general, any third party. d) Not engage in advertising or commercial exploitation activities through the Website, and not use its content and information to send advertisements or messages for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties. e) Not use false identities or impersonate the identity of others in the use of the Website or in the use of any of its services, including the use, if applicable, of passwords or access keys of third parties or in any other way. g) Not destroy, alter, use for your own benefit, disable, or damage the data, information, programs, or electronic documents of Michiada, our suppliers, or third parties. p) Not introduce, store, or disseminate through the Website any content that infringes the intellectual, industrial, or trade secrets of third parties, or in general, any content for which you do not have, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available to third parties.

Responsibilities and Guarantees

We cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness, or truthfulness of absolutely all the information contained on the Website. Consequently, we cannot guarantee or be responsible for: a) The continuity of the contents of the Website. b) The absence of errors in such contents. c) The absence of viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, and/or other malicious or technologically harmful components on the Website or on the server that supplies it. d) The invulnerability of the Website and/or the impossibility of breaching the security measures adopted therein. e) The lack of utility or performance of the contents of the Website. g) Failures of the Website caused by any type of attack on its servers or those of our third-party service providers, as well as technical or security failures of the system of any of said providers that hinder the operation of the Website. p) Any technical failure of any kind that hinders, reverses, or prevents the proper functioning of the Website. h) The damages or harm caused to oneself or to a third party by anyone who infringes the conditions, rules, and instructions established for the Website or through the violation of security systems.

However, the Website has all the necessary measures, within our possibilities and the state of the art, to ensure its operation and minimize system errors, both from a technical and content perspective.

In this regard, neither we nor our providers shall be responsible for the truth, completeness, or updating of the information published on the Website from sources outside us and our providers, as well as for those contained on other platforms linked from the Website.

We reserve the right to suspend, modify, restrict, or interrupt, either temporarily or permanently, access, navigation, use, hosting, and/or downloading of content and/or use of services offered on the Website, with or without prior notice, to users who violate any of the provisions detailed in these terms of use, without the possibility of claiming compensation for this reason.”

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